OliviaLockwood, openupcoaching.com

Meet your Sales Coach!

It's time to make your good life GREAT!  

When you have gone as far as you can with your current resources, coaching can support you in tapping into fresh perspectives, enhanced thinking and decision making skills - opening you up to increased confidence and interpersonal effectiveness. 

Structured group coaching

These sessions are best to give highly motivated sales professionals the opportunity to speak with an expert other than their sales leader, in order to generate fresh perspectives and new ideas to move deals forward.

Unstructured group coaching

Ideal for sales professionals whose sales leaders have identified a sales skills gap and/or a specific training need.  
Coaching takes place in a group of their peers, and allows each sales professional focused attention.

Open up to Perspective

An experienced professional coach and sales trainer for sales executives and their teams.  Clients consistently report achieving over an 86% success rate for individuals goals set. 

Coaching that focuses on the team AND the individual, in order to create a unique learning experience for everyone who participates. 

Coaching allows the sales person to open up to new ideas - whether in a personal capacity or in the work environment. 

A fresh perspective encourages enhanced thinking and decision making capability to resurface, which in turn brings about a renewed confidence in their ability to close deals that they can win - and to recognize that it's time to walk away from deals that they cannot win.  All of which improves close ratios and win rates, often at higher margins.

Coaching. Bringing additional satisfaction to every aspect of life.

schedule some time with olivia

Global 1000 companies around the world  keep coming back for more

"If you are looking for someone to push your thinking, 
make you pause and re-evaluate you own assumptions and bias, Olivia is the right person."

Extensive, research-based expertise in neuroscience, adult learning, sales excellence and coaching, combined with years of practical experience